Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Proper Posture for Using a Laptop

In this newer age of technology and working from home, more and more people are working on laptops, but they create challenges for keeping your neck and hands in a good position. When using a computer, you want the top of the screen at eye height, while your elbows are bent to 90 degrees and […]

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It Might Be Broke, But You Don’t Need to Fix It

Medical imaging allows us to look at the integrity of many tissues in the body, but does learning about what’s fraying or degenerating help you? Not necessarily. Research demonstrates that many “scary” sounding conditions like bulging discs, herniated discs, and labral tears are commonly found in people with no pain. They are a normal part […]

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Why do you need to protect your joints?

        Short answer: you can decrease your pain and avoid surgery. Joint protection is a crucial aspect of maintaining joint health and reducing pain. Our joints play a vital role in facilitating movement and supporting the weight of our bodies. However, factors such as aging, injury, repetitive motions, and certain medical conditions […]

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Movement is Medicine: Physical Therapy & Arthritis

        May is national arthritis month. Arthritis may seem relatively benign - everyone knows someone who has arthritis, but here are some numbers that help put the problem of arthritis into perspective: Arthritis is the leading cause of disability Arthritis affects one in five adults and 300,000 children One third of working-age […]

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The good, the bad, and the ugly of shoes – and do we really need them?

Just a casual look at women's dress shoes immediately leads one to suspect that maybe we would be better off without shoes. Through the 80s, my wife was always anxious to get out of her office high heels as soon as possible. Obviously, the human foot was not created to walk on a 3-inch pedestal. […]

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What Are The Best Exercises For Joint Hypermobility/EDS?

The short version: Ones that don't hurt.         The long version: The reality is, for the most part, it's not WHAT exercises but HOW they exercise. People with joint hypermobility (JHM), Ehlers Danlos Syndrome (EDS), or other connective tissue disorders struggle to find a balance between being able to exercise and not […]

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Can Physical Therapy Help with Fibromyalgia?

The right kind can! Nearly 5 million people in the United States have fibromyalgia. Fibromyalgia is defined as a chronic disorder characterized by widespread pain and other symptoms such as fatigue, muscle stiffness, and insomnia. It can be difficult to manage and can severely impact quality of life. What a lot of people don't know […]

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Is Your Rotator Cuff Torn?

Probably, but you don’t need to have surgery.         At a course I once attended, the lecturer stated that the odds of having a rotator cuff tear are as high as your age. Daunting concept, isn't it? Let's talk about the rotator cuff and tears for a minute. The technical term is […]

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Why Won’t My Pain Go Away?

The Rule of Threes         People with long-standing pain are often hypermobile or loose-jointed. This is difficult to overcome and is often missed by doctors and therapists. If you’ve tried therapy or other forms of exercise and everything just hurts more, you may be hypermobile and need to be treated as such. […]

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Hypermobility and Asthma: Do I have Asthma or Not?

Hypermobility and Asthma: Do I have Asthma or Not? When I (Stan) was a high school runner, my mother called my persistent winter cough, bronchitis. I accepted this diagnosis without question as mother's are the source of wisdom to a young man. I learned from an article in "Runner's World", to ease the symptoms by […]

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